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* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//! PipeWire [Registry](https://docs.pipewire.org/group__pw__registry.html) bindings.
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use pw_sys::pw_proxy;
use pipewire_wrapper_proc_macro::{interface, proxy_wrapper, RawWrapper, Wrapper};
use crate::core_api::core::Core;
use crate::core_api::factory::events::FactoryEvents;
use crate::core_api::factory::FactoryRef;
use crate::core_api::proxy::Proxied;
use crate::core_api::proxy::{Proxy, ProxyRef};
use crate::core_api::registry::events::RegistryEvents;
use crate::core_api::registry::restricted::RegistryBind;
use crate::core_api::type_info::TypeInfo;
use crate::listeners::{AddListener, ListenerId, Listeners, OwnListeners};
use crate::spa_interface_call;
use crate::wrapper::*;
use crate::{i32_as_void_result, raw_wrapper};
pub mod events;
/// Wrapper for the external [pw_sys::pw_registry] proxy.
/// The registry object is a singleton object that keeps track of global objects on the PipeWire instance.
/// When a client creates a registry object, the registry object will emit a global event for each
/// global currently in the registry. Globals come and go as a result of device hotplugs or
/// reconfiguration or other events, and the registry will send out global and global_remove events
/// to keep the client up to date with the changes. To mark the end of the initial burst of events,
/// the client can use the pw_core.sync method immediately after calling pw_core.get_registry.
/// A client can bind to a global object by using the bind request. This creates a client-side
/// proxy that lets the object emit events to the client and lets the client invoke methods on the
/// object.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// use pipewire_wrapper::core_api::core::Core;
/// use pipewire_wrapper::core_api::device::DeviceRef;
/// use pipewire_wrapper::core_api::registry::events::RegistryEventsBuilder;
/// use pipewire_wrapper::listeners::OwnListeners;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let core = Core::default();
/// let context = core.context();
/// let main_loop = context.main_loop();
/// let registry = core.get_registry(0).unwrap();
/// let _registry_events = registry.add_listener(
/// RegistryEventsBuilder::default()
/// .global(Box::new(
/// |_id, permissions, type_info, version, properties| {
/// println!(
/// "Global {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
/// permissions, type_info, version, properties
/// );
/// },
/// ))
/// .build(),
/// );
/// let timer_callback = |_| {
/// core.context().main_loop().quit().unwrap();
/// };
/// let timer = main_loop
/// .get_loop()
/// .add_timer(Box::new(timer_callback))
/// .unwrap();
/// main_loop
/// .get_loop()
/// .update_timer(&timer, Duration::from_secs(1), Duration::ZERO, false)
/// .unwrap();
/// main_loop.run().unwrap();
/// ```
#[derive(RawWrapper, Debug)]
#[interface(methods=pw_sys::pw_registry_methods, interface="Registry")]
pub struct RegistryRef {
raw: pw_sys::pw_registry,
impl RegistryRef {
/// Bind to the global object with id and use the client proxy.
/// After this call, methods can be send to the remote global object and events can be received.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - global object id
/// * `type_info` - global object type
/// * `version` - interface version
/// Returns reference to the proxy object.
pub(crate) fn bind(
id: u32,
type_info: TypeInfo,
version: u32,
) -> crate::Result<&ProxyRef> {
let result =
unsafe { spa_interface_call!(self, bind, id, type_info.as_ptr(), version, 0)? };
raw_wrapper(result as *mut pw_proxy)
/// Attempt to destroy a global object.
pub fn destroy(&self, id: u32) -> crate::Result<()> {
let result = spa_interface_call!(self, destroy, id)?;
impl<'a> AddListener<'a> for RegistryRef {
type Events = RegistryEvents<'a>;
fn add_listener(&self, events: Pin<Box<Self::Events>>) -> Pin<Box<Self::Events>> {
unsafe {
&*events as *const _ as *mut _
/// [Wrapper] for the Registry proxy.
/// See [RegistryRef]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Registry<'c> {
ref_: Proxy<'c>,
listeners: Listeners<Pin<Box<RegistryEvents<'c>>>>,
impl<'c> RegistryBind<'c> for Registry<'c> {
fn from_ref(core: &'c Core, ref_: &ProxyRef) -> Self {
Self {
ref_: Proxy::from_ref(core, ref_),
listeners: Listeners::default(),
impl<'a> OwnListeners<'a> for Registry<'a> {
fn listeners(
) -> &Listeners<Pin<Box<<<Self as Wrapper>::RawWrapperType as AddListener<'a>>::Events>>> {
impl<'c> Registry<'c> {
/// Bind to the global object with id and use the client proxy.
/// After this call, methods can be send to the remote global object and events can be received.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - global object id
/// * `version` - interface version, usually 0
/// Returns bound [Proxy] object.
pub fn bind_proxy<T>(&self, id: u32, version: u32) -> crate::Result<T>
T: RegistryBind<'c>,
<T as Wrapper>::RawWrapperType: Proxied,
let type_info = T::RawWrapperType::type_info();
let ref_ = self.bind(id, type_info, version)?;
Ok(T::from_ref(self.ref_.core(), ref_))
pub(crate) mod restricted {
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::core_api::proxy::{Proxied, ProxyRef};
use crate::wrapper::Wrapper;
pub trait RegistryBind<'c>
Self: Wrapper,
Self::RawWrapperType: Proxied,
fn from_ref(core: &'c crate::core_api::core::Core, ref_: &ProxyRef) -> Self;